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What Causes a Car Battery to Keep Dying?

Writer: Malik AhadMalik Ahad

This article will discuss the possible reasons of a car battery dying.

There is a huge list of reasons when it comes to why car batteries die but they can be put into three different categories ;

● Battery problems

● Electrical System Problems

● Simple User Error

Some of these are easy to deal with and can be done at home and some require a trained professional to sort them out. If so, Search for garages in Reading and book an appointment as soon as possible. However you can not find out what is wrong unless you get stuck in.

One thing to note is that most people associate a battery dying with it having been standing for a long amount of time before starting and driving it, however if your car battery dies whilst driving it could be an issue with the charging system as suggested by many garages in Reading.

What are the reasons that cause a car battery to die?

1. Leaving your lights on

Leaving your headlights or even a dim dome light will drain a battery dead overnight. Make sure to always check internal and external lights before leaving your car to avoid this.

2. Wear or poor battery condition

A battery which is in a poor condition may not be able to hold its charge for long. This means even a small drain like your car's radio may kill the battery. If this is the case then search for

car service near me and book a consultation with a reputable mechanic.

3. Corroded or bad battery connections

Corroded battery connections can prevent the changing system from topping up your battery while driving. This forces the car to run on a low battery. Similarly, loose battery connections can also cause problems.

4. Other drains in the electrical systems

Some common drains which occur are the glove box and trunk lights that come on or remain on when they should not. These are fully capable of killing batteries.

5. Severe temperatures

Extremely hot or cold weather will be fine for a new battery or one that is in good condition, however an old or weak battery will fail in extreme weather conditions. Such weather can also bring out other underlying causes.

6. Problems in the charging system

If a battery seems to die whilst the car is in motion then your car's charging system may be at fault. To confirm if this is an issue, search for car maintenance near me and book an appointment. Loose or stretched belts and worn tensioner can prevent an alternator from working also causing your car's battery to die.



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