Page speed measures the amount of time it takes for content on a particular webpage to load. It's easy to get this term confused with other words related to site optimization like “site speed,” which refers to the average loading time SEO services in UK of more than one sample page on a given site.
Broken links
A broken link is a link on a website that no longer works because the website is experiencing one or more of the following issues: The destination web page has been moved or no longer exists. An invalid URL has been entered for the link by the web page owner.
Crawl errors
Crawl errors occur when a search engine tries to reach a page on your website but fails. Let's shed some more light on crawling first. Crawling is the process where a search engine tries to visit every page of your website via a bot.
Sitemap accessibility
Sitemaps for people help your website visitors understand the structure of content your website has. These sitemaps improve your website's accessibility because they help your visitors find the content they're looking for more easily. A sitemap for search engines contains an unstructured list of pages on your website.
Mobile friendliness is the measure of how well a website is designed and optimized to load on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet.\
